A Democratic congresswoman playing Kitty Snatch on the right, and her staff playing Big Barn World on the left
A Democratic congresswoman was caught playing a match 3 cat game called
Kitty Snatch. Chief Justice John Roberts overheard the loving 'meows' and assumed cats were in the Senate Chamber. He quickly ordered the Senate sergeant-at-arms to deal with the matter. The Senate sergent-at-arms then issued a stern warning to the chamber: "Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! All felines are commanded to keep silence on pain of imprisonment."
The 'meowing' continued and it was soon discovered that a Democratic congresswoman was playing "Kitty Snatch" (Her staff sitting beside was playing a social farming game called
Big Barn World.) The sergeant-at-arms then issued a complete phone ban and all senators had to abandon their phones in cubbies while attending the impeachment trial.
After the cellphone ban, Republicans were seen smuggling in toys into the chamber. Sen. Richard Burr was passing out fidget spinner toys to his Senate colleagues for use during the impeachment trial. Sen. Tom Cotton was playing with a purple spinner, while Richard Burr had a blue spinner and Pat Toomey had a white spinner.